Chart Your Future


Rachael Schaller, MA. MS. is a licensed school psychologist in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in both counseling and psychological assessment in cognitive, behavioral, social-emotional, autism spectrum disorder and ADHD testing with children and adolescents, in the Southern California area. She is also a nationally certified trainer for the Center for Teacher Effectiveness (CTE).

A Psycho-educational evaluation is a detailed assessment of an individual. It is an extensive process, requiring the input of parents, teachers, and the student, to gain a complete and detailed learning profile of a child’s strengths and weaknesses. All facets of a child will be considered including emotional, cognitive (IQ), behavioral, and academic when establishing one’s learning profile. This information will provide valuable evidence that may warrant an Individualized Education Program (IEP). IEPs supply special accommodations and/or modifications tailored to your child’s specific needs (learning disability, emotional disorder, ADHD, Autism, anxiety). Home and school expectations of your child will become more accurate and realistic to help your child thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

The ‘Prepare to Launch’ program is a six-week intensive group coaching experience designed to teach teens and young adults to not only FEEL empowered but BE empowered by learning how to plan and prioritize BEFORE they find themselves overwhelmed and confused by the ‘too many choices’ society we have all come to know. The group explores together their values, goals, and individual strengths, whilst enabling them to overcome roadblocks and obstacles. You will learn how to capitalize on your strengths and utilize these as leverage for motivation in accomplishing future goals. Each participant will leave with a clear and actionable Plan Towards Independence (PTI).

Space is intentionally limited to 10-12 people per cohort, which honors everyone’s time within the group whilst building community and support for one another. Six 60-minute weekly sessions are included in this program.

The ‘Solo’ program utilizes the same structure and tools as the ‘Prepare to Launch’ program but meets on a private 1:1 basis which allows for maximum individual attention. This program is highly recommended for neurodivergent students (i.e. ADHD, Autism, executive functioning) Six 60-minute weekly private sessions are included in this coaching experience.

Individual Coaching is offered upon request for students and professionals exploring a new career path, career transition, or contemplating work-life balance challenges.

Parent Package consists of three 50 minute sessions designed to address specific questions parents may have related to helping themselves and/or their child with special needs thrive.
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