Chart Your Future

About Me

Rachael Schaller, MA. MS. is a licensed school psychologist in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in both counseling and psychological assessment in cognitive, behavioral, social-emotional, autism spectrum disorder and ADHD testing with children and adolescents, in the Southern California area. She is also a nationally certified trainer for the Center for Teacher Effectiveness (CTE).

Education and Training

Rachael Schaller has over 12 years of experience counseling children and conducting various psycho-educational assessments to K-12 student populations throughout Los Angeles, CA, the San Francisco Bay area, CA. and Las Vegas, NV.

She has two master’s degrees in organizational behavior and school psychology, which provides her with a unique perspective working with clients. Because K-12 school systems are inherently difficult to navigate, Rachael helps marshal families through the system by working closely with parents, teachers, administrators, and other health specialists to ensure each child has access to any needed support. Rachael possesses the knowledge and experience required to provide families with resources that will help their child, not just survive the system, but thrive within it and look forward to their futures.

She has personally seen the benefits psycho-educational assessments can offer parents, teachers, and students, as testing is the first stop in giving each party further insight into how a child learns best, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and how to adapt and accommodate so children can reach their fullest potential.

There isn’t a clear road map to determine how and when children launch. In fact, 64% of young people report not feeling prepared for independent life after high school or even after university. Depression, anxiety, lack of motivation and uncertainty on the ROI of college have sky-rocketed amongst youth and parents alike. Unfortunately, career counselors, while well-intentioned, are often bogged down with test preparation and academic requirements that they don’t have the resources to serve the unique needs of each bright, yet apprehensive young adult. However, it is imperative that we invest in our teens and young adults and encourage them to explore, prioritize and create achievable goals before paralysis and overwhelm set in. A small investment now could save hundreds of thousands of dollars down the road.

After many years of witnessing firsthand the frustration of educators and parents having little access to positive tools that promote growth, introspection and clarity for their loved ones, Rachael created a uniquely tailored program that would help this population bridge the tender thresholds they are about to cross over with confidence and ease. The Prepare to Launch Program helps students and young adults learn to identify one’s unique strengths and values, explore the role positive emotions play in life to facilitate change, cope with obstacles and achieve one’s goals. Each client leaves the program with a Plan Towards Independence (PTI).

Rachael Schaller, MA. MSc. has over 15 years of experience as a licensed school psychologist coaching students, parents, and other professionals, navigate the broken K-12 education system with fortitude and perseverance. She has two master’s degrees in School Psychology (USA) and Organizational Behavior (UK), which provide her with a unique perspective working with clients. Rachael also enjoys coaching parents and other professionals through all the nuances of navigating mid-life career transitions.

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